Football Status


I have to get off my ass and get back to what I started 4 years ago, the 1967 replays.

It’ll happen.  Hopefully sooner rather than later.

That 49ers replay may or may not start before Super Bowl LIV.

As for the other type of football:

These replays will get as much attention as I can muster, when not busy/distracted.  I’m less inclined to play the 2008-09 replay due to the fact that Spurs did so poorly that season, and the game engine for Net Results Soccer is slightly different for 2008-09 than from the 2017-18 seasons.  It can get a bit confusing.

Basketball and hockey have never been started, so no need to make a post about either of those sports replays.

Stay tuned!

The Big Guys

I was going through some older table top sports games in my collection, like this APBA Football game from 1995, and it reminded me of why I’ve chosen to play games from companies other than APBA and Strat-O-Matic.

I went on both those sites to see how much a season set would cost, and for APBA Football they seemed to run between $50-$120 per season.  Strat-O-Matic seasons ran $32-$42, but the oldest complete season was 2002.

A printed season from Inside Sports Games for Inside Blitz Football can run $42-$58, but they also offer a PDF option for $15-$17.

Downey Games offers Grid Iron Wars for $30 for a complete game with 1 season, printed, or $7.95 for the game parts in PDF.  Printed seasons run for $8-$15 while PDF seasons run $8-11.

PLAAY Games has Second Season for $49, with seasons going for $25-$33 printed, and $19-$21 PDF.

The major difference between APBA/SOM and the other companies is that with the former you’re getting individual player cards per team, while the latter have team sheets with all the players on a sheet.  At the moment, I prefer the team sheets to individual cards.

One plus, had I stuck with the Big Two, would be that I would have bought less seasons (in all sports games) than I currently own because of availability and price.  I only own one complete season for SOM Baseball (2011), SOM Football (2009) and SOM Hockey (1993-94), for example.

And in the picture above, those are the only two *teams* that I own for APBA Football.

New Year, New In Progress Chart

Sure, let’s add the 1947 49ers replay, and put the 1967 Warriors replay back on the schedule.

Stay tuned!


Around my workstation/table top play area are the following games, waiting to be played.

  • SSG Basketball
  • Net Results Soccer
  • Glory Days Boxing
  • Face to the Mat
  • B25 – Prince of the Skies

More hours in the day, or an extra day in the weekend.

I’ll get to all of them, along with the baseball and football and racing and hockey games.

Stay tuned!

Dice vs. Cards

I think I found a possible reason why I can’t seem to wrap my head around Inside the Paint and Inside the Crease basketball and hockey games.  And it’s dumb.

Both of those games use a fast action card (FAC) system as opposed to dice.  I like rolling dice more than flipping cards.

This may be why I’ve found Glory Days Boxing more fun to play, for me, than Title Bout II, which also uses a FAC system.

And I was able to grasp the basics of SSG basketball because of it’s dice roll mechanic similar to Payoff Pitch Baseball.  I’ve tried using the FACs for Payoff Pitch, but always find myself reverting back to using dice.

I was never a big Statis Pro Baseball gamer because of the cards.

I did pull out Statis Pro Basketball this morning, and may try to play a game to see if this reasoning holds water or not.

Stay tuned!

In Progress, Revision to the Revised Revision of the Revision

The main change is putting the 1967 Warriors on hold, along with the 1988 Mets (revisited) replay.  I anticipate playing a soccer game with PSV soon, and hopefully starting basketball and hockey in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned!

In Progress, Revised Revision to the Revision


I still can’t seem to pick up playing table top basketball or hockey.

i was able to learn a new football game today without any problems.

I can play baseball, auto racing, soccer, football, boxing, wrestling and golf games.

But every time I start to setup and read the rules for hockey or basketball, my brain can’t seem to grok.


In Progress, Revised Revision

I’m having so much fun playing Net Results Soccer that I’ve decided to make it my primary soccer sim, and Soccer Blast my secondary.  The top three soccer replays listed are played with Net Results, the last one played with Soccer Blast.  Final Score and The Beautiful Game are being semi-permanently shelved.

The tables now reflect the priority that I place in playing these replays.  Baseball, soccer, and auto racing are my top played games.  I haven’t touched football in almost 3 years, and have yet to start basketball or hockey.

Baseball season sims (1917, 1921, 1971) are all Ball Park Baseball, short projects are played with History Maker Baseball (D’Acquisto ’74) and Inside Pitch (Gooden ’85).

Racing sims are all Red White & Blue Racing.

Football (Broncos ’67) is split between Inside Blitz and Second Season.  The Harbaugh ’90 project is played with Second Season.

Basketball (Warriors ’67) will be played with Inside the Paint.

Hockey will be played with Inside the Crease (Leafs ’67) and Hockey Blast (2014 quarter finals).

Stay tuned!