Getting there…

My second attempt at playing the Opening Day game of the Giants 1971 season using Box Seat Baseball seems to be going smoother than the first one.

I found myself making so many mistakes that I couldn’t justify that first play through as a legitimate game.

And I’m leaning toward not wiping the current game because I think I’ve made fewer mistakes in game play, the flow of which I’m getting used to.

I’ll probably end up replaying this one, though, once I feel that I have a more solid grasp of all the rules.

Dice AND flip cards.  What a concept.

Through 4-1/2 innings the Giants are up 4-1 on the Padres.  I’ll finish the game up later.

Stay tuned!

Plodding Through

My brother was right about the rules for Box Seat Baseball: they’re a bit much to get through after one read-through.

Plus I’m distracted by the arrival of other games (sport and non-sport), and I’m trying to fit in a round of golf as suggested by another friend on Facebook.

Hopefully all this will clear by the beginning of next week.

Stay tuned!


I think I figured out why I’m not too interested in playing the 1939 Giants replay.

It’s too close to the 1917 MLB replay.

At least in my mind.

So, I’m going to suspend the 1939 season replay, and start another replay in a year that’s near and dear to me.

That’s the 1971 San Francisco Giants team card from Topps.

1971 was the year I remember going to a baseball game for the first time.  This may or may not be true.

1971 was the year a rookie by the name of Chris Speier started playing for the Giants.

1971 was the year the Giants lost the NLCS to the Pittsburgh Pirates.

I’m also going to switch games from Ball Park Baseball to Box Seat Baseball.  That game as been collecting dust for about 5 years now (along with way too many other sports games) and I think it’s high time I finally learned how to play it.

Stay tuned!


Looks like it’s time to take an extended break from Sports games.  I felt this way last year after I had finished the 1967 Giants replay

I’m not quite burnt out, I just feel more inclined to play other non-sports games more frequently since last year.

I’m not shutting down completely, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if I do a race or a fight sometime this week.  Or not.

It’s the longer replays that I may be shying away from in the immediate future.

Stay tuned!

While I Was Away

I’ve been on a board game kick for the past month, mainly because of a trip to Dice Tower West in Las Vegas, less than a week from the last table top sports game that I played.

That changes this week, of course, what with baseball’s Opening Day in a few days.

Plus I’ll probably get around to the NASCAR and SCRAM racing series that I have running.

And I’ll probably do a boxing match or two in the next week or so.

Stay tuned!