Ball Park Baseball

I just read on Facebook and on the Delphi forums that Ball Park Baseball ceased operations yesterday.  They will stop taking orders on August 15th.

I have enough seasons to keep me busy for years to come, but it’s a shame that they were close to releasing an updated version of the game, along with an online version, and parties involved had a falling out.

The 1917 and 1971 season replays will continue sometime soon.

Stay tuned.

1971 Giants Replay

I mentioned it elsewhere (Facebook) that I decided to abandon the Box Seat Baseball replay and just play this one with Ball Park Baseball, which I’m more familiar with, and I had the season cards for this one as well.

Box Seat Baseball is a solid game, it just seems like there’s even more chart flipping that I would do with BP Baseball.

Let’s see how long it takes me to do THIS replay.

Stay tuned!

Getting there…

My second attempt at playing the Opening Day game of the Giants 1971 season using Box Seat Baseball seems to be going smoother than the first one.

I found myself making so many mistakes that I couldn’t justify that first play through as a legitimate game.

And I’m leaning toward not wiping the current game because I think I’ve made fewer mistakes in game play, the flow of which I’m getting used to.

I’ll probably end up replaying this one, though, once I feel that I have a more solid grasp of all the rules.

Dice AND flip cards.  What a concept.

Through 4-1/2 innings the Giants are up 4-1 on the Padres.  I’ll finish the game up later.

Stay tuned!