Curbing my Enthusiasms

As a side note, I seriously have to curb the number of ‘active’ projects I have going, and stick with games (and sports) that I like to play.

Baseball and racing will always have a spot in my rotation.  Soccer and hockey take the next tier, with football and basketball lower on my list.

I also have golf, tennis, boxing, wrestling and lacrosse in various forms.  Of those, I have to be in the right mood/mindset to play any of those.  None of those games are ones I consider playing with a long-term ‘season’ or replay.

And then there’s the least played games: bowling, roller derby, demolition derby, and some interesting fictional sports.  Someday, I keep telling myself.

I just started the 2013 SCRAM season, and the 2024 SCRAM/SCRAM-B sets arrived in the mail today.  Yikes.

So yeah, I need to curb my habit, considering the vast amount of other hobbies I have and would like to pursue as well.

Stay tuned, I guess…

The Forgotten Games: Bowl-O-Rama

I have an older edition of this game, the newer one appears to come with more bowlers (32 vs 16 in mine) and a bunch of nicer chart boards (as compared to all the charts in the rulebook in mine).

I’m going to give this one a spin for a couple of sessions, if I like playing it enough, I may upgrade to the newer set, and maybe pick up the playmat.

Or maybe just get the playmat.

Stay tuned!