I’m having so much fun playing Net Results Soccer that I’ve decided to make it my primary soccer sim, and Soccer Blast my secondary. The top three soccer replays listed are played with Net Results, the last one played with Soccer Blast. Final Score and The Beautiful Game are being semi-permanently shelved.

The tables now reflect the priority that I place in playing these replays. Baseball, soccer, and auto racing are my top played games. I haven’t touched football in almost 3 years, and have yet to start basketball or hockey.
Baseball season sims (1917, 1921, 1971) are all Ball Park Baseball, short projects are played with History Maker Baseball (D’Acquisto ’74) and Inside Pitch (Gooden ’85).
Racing sims are all Red White & Blue Racing.
Football (Broncos ’67) is split between Inside Blitz and Second Season. The Harbaugh ’90 project is played with Second Season.
Basketball (Warriors ’67) will be played with Inside the Paint.
Hockey will be played with Inside the Crease (Leafs ’67) and Hockey Blast (2014 quarter finals).
Stay tuned!