
While browsing a couple of online game stores, I came across a ding & dent copy of the Strat-O-Matic Baseball 2019 Hall of Fame set.

I ordered it, because I didn’t think I had a Hall of Fame card set in my collection.

Turns out I was wrong, I had received a Hall of Fame set as a stretch goal for a Kickstarter for Payoff Pitch Baseball’s 1933 season.  That one is as of 2015.

Out of sight, out of mind.

So now I’ll have two of these HoF sets, one a few years more recent than the other.

I also bought it as an excuse to try to play Strat-O-Matic again.  After all, that’s what prompted me to build PepsiCo Park in the first place.

I’ll see about creating an 8-team league with these cards.  I don’t think I did anything with the Payoff Pitch HoF card set.

Stay tuned!

1948: Giants Replay, Game 1

Opening Day at the Polo Grounds!

NEW YORK – APRIL, 1948. On Opening Day at the Polo Grounds in New York, Mel Ott, left, and Leo Durocher pack in the baseballs before the start of game number one in April of 1948. (Photo by Mark Rucker/Transcendental Graphics, Getty Images)

Final from the Polo Grounds:

A pitcher’s duel, with Pee Wee Reese driving in the only runs in the game for the Dodgers.

This is only the second Payoff Pitch Baseball game that I played using the Fast Action Cards instead of dice.  Oddly enough, the first game I played was this exact same game, but scored by hand in a pre-printed score book that was part of the rewards for the Kickstarter campaign for the 1948 season cards.  Supposedly there was an issue with that score book, so I put off continuing this replay until I got a replacement, which never came.

I decided to restart this replay since I was only one game in.

Stay tuned!

’21 to ’48

I haven’t touched my 1921 Giants replay in a while, and I recently found out that a new printed set of cards for that season will be coming out from Sideline Strategy.  I have the DIY PDF version.

So I’m putting that replay officially on hold and restarting the 1948 Giants replay.

That 1948 replay was to be hand scored and use fast action cards (FACs) instead of dice.  I’ve since decided to forego hand scoring because of my arthritis, and perhaps do a combination of FACs and dice.

I’ll have it all sorted out this week.  And I’ll go back to the 1921 season once the new cards come out.

Stay tuned!

New Year, New In Progress Chart

Sure, let’s add the 1947 49ers replay, and put the 1967 Warriors replay back on the schedule.

Stay tuned!

Dice vs. Cards

I think I found a possible reason why I can’t seem to wrap my head around Inside the Paint and Inside the Crease basketball and hockey games.  And it’s dumb.

Both of those games use a fast action card (FAC) system as opposed to dice.  I like rolling dice more than flipping cards.

This may be why I’ve found Glory Days Boxing more fun to play, for me, than Title Bout II, which also uses a FAC system.

And I was able to grasp the basics of SSG basketball because of it’s dice roll mechanic similar to Payoff Pitch Baseball.  I’ve tried using the FACs for Payoff Pitch, but always find myself reverting back to using dice.

I was never a big Statis Pro Baseball gamer because of the cards.

I did pull out Statis Pro Basketball this morning, and may try to play a game to see if this reasoning holds water or not.

Stay tuned!

In Progress, Revision to the Revised Revision of the Revision

The main change is putting the 1967 Warriors on hold, along with the 1988 Mets (revisited) replay.  I anticipate playing a soccer game with PSV soon, and hopefully starting basketball and hockey in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned!

In Progress, Revised Revision to the Revision

In Progress

I have decided that these will be the projects that I will focus on for the time being.

Stay tuned!