While browsing a couple of online game stores, I came across a ding & dent copy of the Strat-O-Matic Baseball 2019 Hall of Fame set.

I ordered it, because I didn’t think I had a Hall of Fame card set in my collection.
Turns out I was wrong, I had received a Hall of Fame set as a stretch goal for a Kickstarter for Payoff Pitch Baseball’s 1933 season. That one is as of 2015.
Out of sight, out of mind.
So now I’ll have two of these HoF sets, one a few years more recent than the other.
I also bought it as an excuse to try to play Strat-O-Matic again. After all, that’s what prompted me to build PepsiCo Park in the first place.
I’ll see about creating an 8-team league with these cards. I don’t think I did anything with the Payoff Pitch HoF card set.
Stay tuned!