’21 to ’48

I haven’t touched my 1921 Giants replay in a while, and I recently found out that a new printed set of cards for that season will be coming out from Sideline Strategy.  I have the DIY PDF version.

So I’m putting that replay officially on hold and restarting the 1948 Giants replay.

That 1948 replay was to be hand scored and use fast action cards (FACs) instead of dice.  I’ve since decided to forego hand scoring because of my arthritis, and perhaps do a combination of FACs and dice.

I’ll have it all sorted out this week.  And I’ll go back to the 1921 season once the new cards come out.

Stay tuned!

New Year, New In Progress Chart

Sure, let’s add the 1947 49ers replay, and put the 1967 Warriors replay back on the schedule.

Stay tuned!

In Progress, Revision to the Revised Revision of the Revision

The main change is putting the 1967 Warriors on hold, along with the 1988 Mets (revisited) replay.  I anticipate playing a soccer game with PSV soon, and hopefully starting basketball and hockey in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned!

In Progress, Revised

I’ve cut back on projects by picking the full season replays that I plan to actually play in the next 3 months or so.  This eliminated a few long dormant items on my list, allowing me to focus on what I’m already playing, and also allows me to narrow the choices on what else to play.

I’ve also separated the ‘short’ projects (less than a season, individual pitcher seasons, playoff runs) into their own list.

And of course there’s stuff like the heavyweight boxing tournament in Title Bout II and the Facebook Friends Wrestling Federation in Face to the Mat which are more like casual pick-up games that don’t require a schedule.

I hope to finally tally a game in both hockey and basketball fairly soon.

Stay tuned!

In Progress

I have decided that these will be the projects that I will focus on for the time being.

Stay tuned!


Yeah, this never has worked for me: setting up a schedule for what to play on any given day.

I had a table that I rolled dice one to try to determine what game I would play on a given night.  Didn’t work, never stuck to it, and it was edited many times as I finished a given replay.

I want to try to organize my play between sports games and war games, so maybe I should just alternate my weekly focus from one to the other, because I’ve actually found myself frozen into inaction as I try to decide between the two hobbies.  I end up doing neither and spending too much time online or wallowing in my own indecision.

So starting this week, I’ll continue with the war games (Bataan! is my primary focus), and switch to sports next week, just in time for the big racing day of 2017 (Monaco GP/Indy 500/World 600), which happens to fall on my sister’s birthday.  Focus will be on baseball and (of course) racing games.

And maybe wrestling.

Stay tuned!

1967 vs. 1921

31 games played in each replay.

New York Giants 1921: 2 and a half years to get to that point.

San Francisco Giants 1967: 6 months to get to that point.

Granted, I was replaying the 1958 San Francisco Giants season while playing the 1921 replay, as well as the 1967 ‘daily’ replay with Scoreboard Baseball.

We’ll see which Giants replay gets finished first.

Stay tuned!