Blood Bowl Team Focus: The Spartans

A year or so ago I found these guys online and picked them up for Blood Bowl.  My intent was to use them as a Norse team.

This year Games Workshop came out with new rules and models for the actual Norse team, which makes this group of miniatures semi-obsolete.

What I didn’t realize when I bought this particular set is that it can be used for 3 different teams: Norse, Bretonnians, and Humans.

The Werewolves are meant to be used with a Norse team.

The Ogre (Big guy) is meant to be used with a Human team.

The Bretonnians don’t use either of those, so it would be all Humans.  Though technically the Bretonnians appear to have been replaced with the Imperial Nobility Team, so perhaps I can use them as one of those teams.

Can’t use werewolves on an Imperial Nobility Team, though.  Ah well.  Though I think I can use the Ogre.

I may have them play as Imperial Nobility vs the Lizardmen this weekend.

Stay tuned!